Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19 – A Talent of yours

I don’t know. I guess math. Really good at math. I’ve picked up on belly dance really quickly


Ten on Tuesday

1. Favorite book(s) when you were a child and why?
I loved the Box Car Children books, RL Stine. RL Stine got me into horror. I love horror books and movies. I would always read them right before bed too. Never had nightmares though
2. First “grown-up” book you remember reading (i.e. written for adolescents or with adult themes, such as The Outsiders or Catcher in the Rye).
The first book that comes to mind is The Giver. I don't remember exactly when I read it first but I know I was in elementary.
3. Favorite movie that came from a book (even if you didn’t read the book and just love the movie).
I love the movie Girl, Interupted. I read the book and didn't like it. It's probably the only movie book set where the movie was better.
4. Movie that you loved so much that you WISHED there was a book out so that you could find out more about the movie.
Hannah Montana! jk yuck She needs to go away. I wish there was a book for Hard Candy I wanna know more about how Ellen Page's character found out all of the things the guy did and if something happened to her to make her want to seek revenge on him.
5. Worst book you’ve ever read?
Twilight. The book is trash. I really had no desire to read it or see the movie. Mike made me watch the movie and a woman at work is obsessed with the books and movie that she insisted I read the book so she loaned it to me. I stuck it out through the end but it was drivel. It's about the same length as Harry Potter, but Harry Potter had to leave a ton of stuff out for the movies. The movie is EXACTLY the same as the book. It makes me cry.

6. Book that everyone raves about that you either a) haven’t read and feel slightly dumb for not having read it or b) have tried to read and hated and so feel slightly dumb that everyone is getting something you don’t.
I guess Twilight Series. Though I don't feel dumb, I think they are all dumb for liking such trash.
7. If you were forced to choose only 3 books that you could read for the rest of your life, which ones would they be? (Or if you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 books would you want there with you?).
That's really hard. Any one from Jodi Picoult, one from Stephen King, and one Harry Potter.
8. Name one book that if you could recommend that everyone you know read, what is it?
Everybody should read Escape by Carolyn Jessop. It's about a woman who was born in the FLDS culture/religion and tells about what life is like for them and finally her escape out of it. It's just mind blowing to think that this kind of stuff still goes on in the US. I know they also have sects in Canada too.

9. What is your “guilty pleasure” reading?
I dont really have "guilty pleasure", I just like reading. My favorite right now is Jodi Picoult.
10. What book (excepting the Bible or other major document of your religion/faith) has changed your outlook on life the most?

I'm not sure. One that pops into my head is The Wednesday Letters by Jason Wright. There's a couple and every Wednesday from the first they are married, the husband writes his wife a letter summing up what's going on and feelings, even when they go through a really hard parts of marriage. It just helped me to see little things you can do when you are married to show that you love the other.


Angela said...

Oh my goodness, yes yes yes for Hard Candy! I loved that movie, and Ellen Paige was so perfect for the role. Now I want there to be a book about it!
I think I need to look into finding this Carolyn Jessop book; books about the FLDS always interest me because I was Mormon once upon a time. And seriously, how can that crap go on? You should read The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff. I got it to review for Library Thing and loved it.

Chelsea said...

I LOVED The Giver when I was little. I'd like to reread that someday!