Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 6th of July

Normally I do Wordless Wednesdays.
Today, I’m not because it is my 26th birthday.

Wow. That’s really hard to believe.
I’ve been wondering to myself lately, “When did this happen? When did I become a grown-up?”
I’ll be getting married next week, I picked up the license yesterday, we got the judge and picked the park.

I don’t think I should have any more birthdays. I think last years’ birthday was my last. Nothing exciting planned. Probably go to the gym and the man make me dinner.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my most memorable birthday. It was my 5th birthday. I woke up everyday for a week before and would tell myself “I’m 5 now. I won’t cry anymore.” Then something that day would make me cry and I would tell myself the same thing the next day. That birthday I got Hungry, Hungry Hippos and we went to St. Louis.

We get these ideas in our heads that we have to have accomplished something or be a certain way by a certain age. Like a professor I had once said “Normal should only be a setting on a dryer.”


Beauty Boss Agnes said...

26? Really? Try reversing the numbers and then blog about Happy Birthday...enjoy many more years....

Blended said...

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